Karma tattoos


Tattoos are in the light of day and more and more people are encouraged to get one of them on their body. It is true that it is something that is for life and that you have to think about it quite well before taking such a step. There are hundreds of designs and a lot of variety when it comes to choosing a particular tattoo.

One of the most common and popular today among people with oriental beliefs, They are the ones that refer to karma. Then we will talk to you about the meaning of karma tattoos and the symbols that usually surround them.

What is karma

Karma is present in religions as important all over the world as Hinduism or Buddhism and refers to the energy that is present in all aspects of life. According to this type of widespread belief both in the East and in the West, the person who has a positive mind will have a happy life without any problems, while the person who does evil will receive pain and sadness. Karma will symbolize the connection that exists between different actions and the consequences of people. It is a knot that has no end and that is continuous.

karma tattoo

Karma tattoos

Then we will talk to you in a more detailed way about the best tattoos referring to karma and that most people usually do.

  • The symbol of karma is one of the most demanded tattoos today by both men and women. It is a symbol that refers to divine justice and it can be both small or larger. Most people tend to opt for a small tattoo and put it on areas of the body such as the nape or the fingers of the hand. The small and minimalist karma tattoo is much more popular than the larger one.
  • The word karma is another of the most common tattoos. It is important to accept with a good typography and tattoo the word karma in the place of the body that you like the most.
  • Putting a certain drawing inside the karma symbol is another of the most demanded tattoos by people today. The design will largely depend on the personality that you want to make this type of tattoo.


As for the area of ​​the body that is best for this type of tattoo, there is no part in question and everything will depend on the taste of the person in question. If what you want is a small and symbolic karma tattoo, it is best to get it on the nape or the back of the hand. If, on the other hand, you are not afraid of pain, you can do it in other areas of the body such as the rib or the instep.

Some Tips

Before getting a tattoo, you must be totally clear that you want to do it. Do not get carried away by fashions and get a tattoo about karma because you really want to. The design should be done according to the beliefs or tastes of the person.

As we already told you before, this type of tattoo can be put anywhere on the body. What you should keep in mind is that there are more painful areas and that large tattoos require a greater number of sessions.

When deciding to get a karma tattoo, it is advisable to go to a professional from whom you have good references and know how to do your job to the best of your ability.

In conclusion, karma tattoos are one of the most common designs today among people with oriental beliefs. These are tattoos with great meaning and great symbolism for those with strong beliefs.

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